Tuesday, 10 March 2015

How to create Dimnesions, Members and its Properties using rule files in ESSBASE

ESSBASE allows us in two ways to load the data.

1) Free form loading (without rule file) 

When you have the data file which is in compatible with the ESSBASE outline , then you can load the data file without using rule file which is called free form loading and it can't create new members in the outline.
2) Rule file loading (with rule file)

Using the rule files you can format the data file according to outline structure and you can build the new dimensions and members which are present in the data file.
But some situations demands me to build the members along with the different consolidation operators(+,-,% etc) and member properties (Dynamic calc, Dynamic calc and store etc) , it looks like difficult and different but it is very easy to achieve using some additional alphabets in the rule file.

here is few alphabets which stands for the property change and their purpose:

in the same way you can have different consolidation operators such as

Now you have symbols for property change but you receive the data from external systems and you shouldnot do any modifications to the data file, then how to achieve this, very simple don't worry!
1) Import the data file as it is into the rule file
2) Generation reference build method is suggested one.
2) Select the column where you want to insert the property.
3) Use the create using text function which is available in the rule file field menu.
4) Write the required Alphabet/Symbol as shown in the above tables.
5) Verify and Save the rule file.

Now do the dimension build you can see the member assigned property for the newly build members and same file can be used to load the data with some little modifications.

Happy Learning :)

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